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The demand for Ukrainian straw pellets increased three-fold within 2 years


Straw pelletsThe marketing specialists of Ukrainian biofuel portal inform that straw fuel gains a great popularity both within the country and abroad. It’s rather explainable that when the viability of such energy resource is discussed there appear lots of critics and supporters of  this solid fuel. The former affirm that it’s rather naively to expect whatever prosperity from the Ukrainian market of straw pellets and briquettes, as the absence of proper equipment, technologies, the experience of feedstock cultivating and storing will hamper the implementation of any initiatives and projects in this power sector for a long time. Moreover, the infrastructure which is still at the initial stage of its development, will hardly allow the producers and suppliers to sell their production successfully.

Yet along with skeptics the optimists also exist. They affirm that some time will pass and alternative straw fuel will get rather popular, as today there are all preconditions for this. First, straw is a rather unique and at the same time it’s a very valuable feedstock for producing power sources. Due to its technical features it’s not worse than wood, and if to consider the price, sustainability and safety, it definitely excels oil and gas. The straw resources in Ukraine are the biggest in Europe, and today’s world demand for straw pellets and briquettes definitely prevails over the supply. Therefore, if to arrange the process of production and selling this fuel properly, then it will be rather easily to sell large amounts of this fuel and get good profits.

The analytic surveys allowed to reveal that the demand for straw pellets in Ukraine grows annually. First of all, it’s caused by the fact that more and more projects on installing solid fuel boilers are implemented in Ukrainian villages and townships. The introduction of new technologies of heating with straw fuel lets quite inexpensively and effectively warm dwelling houses, schools and other state-financed organizations in lots of  provincial locations. As for the foreign energy market, these days lots of power companies are interested in a serious cooperation with Ukrainian straw pellet producers and sellers. These buyers intend to sign long term agreements with the companies which may grant regular deliveries of large production batches (1000 – 5000 tones).

The specialists from the marketing department of Ukrainian biofuel portal created the latest release of the base of straw pellet buyers which covered the period from November 2011 till September 2012. As a result the base including the data since 2008 was renovated. This release will be a rather useful information source both for straw pellet exporters and for those who are concentrated on the domestic market, as the information described is connected with Ukrainian and foreign buyers. The potential buyers are presented from such countries as Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Belarus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Bosnia, Germany, Italy and Slovakia. According to the statistics, the biggest interest in Ukrainian straw pellets is shown buy Polish and national customers.

The base contains such info about straw pellet buyers as the necessary volumes of batches and delivery terms, desired packing, technical features of the production and the basic moments of collaboration with sellers. Using the present data both producers and suppliers of straw pellets will be able to widen their customer base and sign beneficial contracts.

The statistics of the base lets see that despite different obstacles which the participants of this power sector must deal with, The Ukrainian market of straw pellets develops rather successfully. The witness for this is the fact that the number of straw pellet buyers grew three-fold within the last 2 years.

Source: http://ukrfuel.com/news-the-demand-for-ukrainian-straw-pellets-i-16.html

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