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Produce wood pellets DIN 6, 8 mm

We produce wood pellets DIN, diameter 6, 8 mm. Production capacity: 500 tons per month.

Packaging: big bags - 1000 kg;
Total quantity for first delivery: 20000-21000 kg;
Price for first delivery (1000 kg): FCA EUR 130;
Price for following deliveries (1000 kg): FCA EUR 135.
Packing: plastic bags 15 kg;
Total quantity for first delivery: 20000-21000 kg (70 bags per pallet);
Price for first delivery (1000 kg): FCA EUR 135;
Price for following deliveries (1000 kg): FCA EUR 145.


Contry: Ukraine
City: Kharkov reg.
Languages: Russian

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Submitted: Wed-12-2012 Updated: Wed-12-2012 Views: 2874

Photo - Produce wood pellets DIN 6, 8 mm

Kharkov reg. - Produce wood pellets DIN 6, 8 mm

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