2. Pellets 8mm
3. 6-8 mm DIN+ Quality Pellets
4. We manufacture and sell fuel pellets from straw to European countries
5. Sell wood pellets
6. Wood pellet manufacturing
7. Sunflower Husk Pellets
8. Din Plus Wood Pellets
9. Export of sunflower husk pellets to the European market
10. Export of sunflower husk pellets to the European market
Biomass will allow tribes to leverage or use their biggest asset
Fri-12-2015Biomass will allow tribes to leverage or use their biggest asset — their large land bases within their boundaries — to grow switchgrass, a perennial, high-value energy crop that they can sell to biomass plants, year after year. It will also help create jobs for each tribe and the surrounding communities — roughly 35 to 45 agricultural, handling and transportation-based jobs; 35 to 40 construction jobs to build the plant; and an additional 20 to 24 on-site jobs to run it.
How much money can tribes make from growing switchgrass for feedstock?
Much of the land being considered for switchgrass development is currently being leased to non-tribal farmers and ranchers as grazing land, at a rate of roughly $22 to $25 per acre. In comparison, a biomass processing plant will pay about $60 to $70 per ton for switchgrass. One acre of switchgrass will produce about five to six tons, so that amounts to about $300 to $420 per acre annually, gross revenue, compared to the $22 to $25 per acre they are getting just for grazing.
Source: http://ukrfuel.com/news-biomass-will-allow-tribes-to-leverage-or-50.html
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Views: 1023
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