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Cjmpany offers fuel briquettes

Our cjmpany offers fuel briquettes of sawdust (fir, beech).
Moisture - 8-10%, density - 1.0 - 1.2 kg/dm.cub., ashes < 2%, combustion heaT > 17 M joule/kg, packing - bags in 35 kg. Delivery capacity - 250 MT a month.

Contry: Ukraine
City: Kalush
Languages: Russian

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Submitted: Thu-09-2009 Updated: Thu-09-2009 Views: 2946

Photo - Cjmpany offers fuel briquettes

Kalush - Cjmpany offers fuel briquettes

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Marks: cjmpany, briquettes, offers, delivery, capacity, packing, moisture, sawdust, density, combustion