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Peat briquettes on stock

Dear Sirs!
Our company offers cooperation in fuel peat briquettes delivery. High-quality and ecologically clean. All products are ecologically safety bench tested.
There is a possibility for products export (EU, CIS).
Quality characteristica:
Size 50х70х180
Ash level up to 25%
Moisture <25%
Mechanical strength 94%
Sulfur oxide 0,3
Calorific value 5228 large cal/kg
In bulk 409 UAH/1MT=38EUR/1MT
Big-bags 501 UAH/1MT=46,5EUR/1MT
Bags (25 kg) 576 UAH/1MT=53,8EUR/1MT
Thermo-packing ( 16 briquettes) 568 UAH/1MT=54,7 EUR/1MT
Delivery by motor transport (+ 100 EUR 1 car) and by railway transport (110 UAH/1MT).
There is a possibility of making pellets to order 109 EUR.
Prices above can change depending on purchase scope ( trere are discounts).

Contry: Ukraine
City: Uzhgorod
Languages: German, Russian

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Submitted: Fri-07-2009 Updated: Fri-07-2009 Views: 2967

Photo - Peat briquettes on stock

Uzhgorod - Peat briquettes on stock

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Marks: briquettes, products, transport, possibility, ecologically, quality, 1mtbags, railway, 1mtthermo, 1mtdelivery