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Premium Pine RUF Briquettes for Export

We are a large biofuel production company selling RUF Pine wood fuel briquettes.

 We have modern German equipment,which allows us to produce high-quality RUF Briquettes

The advantages of RUF Brikets are; 
 - perfect for all types of fireplaces, heating boilers, baths and saunas;

 - calorific value of briquettes varies in the range of 5000 - 5400 Kcal / kg;
 - always dry (humidity up to 8%) and ready to use;

 - when briquettes are burned, no smell is emitted, there is no smoke, soot, carbon monoxide and other substances that can cause irreparable harm to the environment and human health;

 -clean, not dusty and convenient to use, due to its size, the briquette is packed in a film of 10 pieces (10 kg);

 - very compact and easy to store (1 ton takes 1m²);

 - very low ash content - less than 1% (you don't have to clean the boiler often);

 RUF briquettes have a huge calorific value compared to ordinary wood firewood, so do not put a very large amount in the firebox, preferably no more than half of the firebox.
 1 ton of RUF Briquettes in terms of heat transfer corresponds to 5m³ of natural moisture oak firewood.

 Tens of thousands of people around the world have already appreciated the advantages of this type of biofuel, RUF fuel briquettes.  Today you can join this number and see for yourself that RUF heating briquettes are exactly what you have been looking for.  We are waiting for your orders for briquettes for heating

Contry: Ukraine
City: Kirovograd Oblast
Languages: English, Russian

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Submitted: Fri-12-2021 Updated: Fri-12-2021 Views: 910

Photo - Premium Pine RUF Briquettes for Export

 Kirovograd Oblast - Premium Pine RUF Briquettes for Export

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Marks: briquettes, heating, advantages, firebox, calorific, firewood, biofuel, transfer, preferably, corresponds