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Refining Biomass in the Slovak Republic


Forests cover 42% of the territory of the Slovak Republic. The energy potential addressed in this publication takes into consideration only wood waste which arises in its different forms proportionate to forest area. Wood waste may be divided according to the source of generation, i.e. generated by primary wood processing, secondary wood processing and waste generated in the consumption sphere.
Total exploitable potential of biomass in Slovak Republic (tables do not include energy crops) is shown below.

Type of biomass

Exploitable amount

Energy equivalent


Forest biomass



Thin branches up to 7 cm

250 740

2 383,05

Thick branch waste

76 200


Waste produced by handling/processing

110 590

1 050,69


323 900

3 079,81

Fuel wood

14 300


Biomass from thinning of forests

23 500


Stumps and roots

103 800

1 170,00

Waste produced by mechanical processing



of wood




903 030

8 769,38

Technically exploitable energy value potential of wood biomass is shown in the figure below:

There are about 18.000 tons of wood briquettes produced every year in the Slovak Republic. Almost 90% of the mentioned amount is exported. Techniques for combusting wood waste have seen great progress in the last years compared to the situation 10 years ago. Experiences from the exploitation of wood biomass may be summarised into two models: centralised and decentralised production of heat or electricity. The utilisation of biomass, and especially refined biomass is under development in Slovakia.

Source: http://ukrfuel.com/news-refining-biomass-in-the-slovak-republic-2.html

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