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RPD and XOOM Energy Team Companies declare about its alliance

Mon-20-2017 RPD and XOOM Energy Team Companies declare about its alliance

The companies authority report underlines  providing commercial and industrial consumers an access to the alternative energу markets of Texas, New York, New England and Middle Atlantic.

This integration gave the RPD company a unique possibility of selling the electricity made from their own sunbatteries and wind electricity stations with the help of XOOM company tools.

Lately, the commercial consumers more tend to plug in directly the alternative energy sources than to buy a restored electricity certificates. A new alliance gives them the opportunity that will help business to achieve goals in the meaning of stability, getting tax benefits and supporting the alternative energy.

As the RPD's chairman Gregory Steple said, XOOM Firm was chosen for the cooperation because of its joint work with 75 municipal companies, located in most states. Besides, XOOM has proved the ability to provide a lot of  services and has the opportunity to satisfy a wide range of the commercial consumers' demands. As the XOOM authority Tom Ulrie pointed out the grown interest of commercial consumers to alternative energy and now the opportunity appears to bind together the business' and RPD company's interests. Mr. Ulrie also added: "RES Electricity direct supplies are a new opportunity on the retail energy market."

It should be mentioned that RPD and XOOM give the business representatives an opportunity to use 100% RES electricity. The consumers have also an opportunity to sign a multi-year contract, in which the volume of supplies and price level depends on their specific needs.

The workplan will look as follows. The RPD will be giving XOOM an access to its power generation capacity for the subsequent resale to the consumers. XOOM in its turn will be using own sale services in order to make sure that the supplied electricity satisfies the consumer's demands. Besides, the RPD company on a consumer's demand is to provide all necessary documentation and certificates confirming that its electricity fully meets the Federal Government requirements.

Source: http://ukrfuel.com/news-rpd-and-xoom-energy-team-139.html

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