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Nikopol Enterprise Turbostal switches to the use of wood pellets


Biomass boilerThis step was caused by energy material price increase. Today at the enterprise 6 boiler-houses using wood pellets were switched into operation. Installed equipment works automatically and doesn't need to be constantly watched by the personnel. 

The decision on further change of the enterprise to pellets use will be taken to the end of the current  heating  season, according to the results of which the economic efficiency of alternative fuel will be calculated. Besides  Alexander Mikula the chief power engineer of the enterprise says that at the moment they are in search of the supplier who will be able to provide pellets  corresponding to all necessary characteristics.

General director of  LLC "Research and Production Center Trubostal” Alexander Feldman commented on this even in the following way: "As Ukraine belongs to the territories suffering from power shortages, experts predict further energy carriers price increase in the nearest future. The only way out in such a situation is to switch from traditional fuel sources to alternative ones such as bio fuel  and bio gas. Hence our enterprise started to implement new technologies  even last year that will give us possibility to become not only independent energetically but to send savings to other expenditure. Together with it we plan to learn energy saving technologies for the purpose of their further implementation."

Source: http://ukrfuel.com/news-nikopol-enterprise-turbostal-switches-to-41.html

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